New Gallifrey is better than Old

On New Gallifrey the home planet of The New Time Lord Race and society they have a much better system than the old Gallifrey and The old Time Lord's. A more Democratic Republic Gallifrey where Lord presidents and Lady vice president are elected to office by the will of the people on New Gallifrey. They are noticing the old Time Lord's and old Gallifreyan’s mistakes and have learned from them to make their new Gallifreyan and New Time Lord society a better one, even incorporating them into their Schoolings about what not to do and what to do if they we're in a specific situation. The title a new Gallifreyan would take doesn't have to be a job title it can be a simple human name and they take promises still when they graduate from the School of their choosing. They have better tardises than the old ones of old Gallifrey.
All of them have different features of all of the people they have their genetic composition of but as the people of New Gallifrey.


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